Videoportrete: Artiști contemporani

Cele mai mari muzee de arta din lume

National Gallery of Australia
National Gallery of Victoria
National Gallery of canada
Art Gallery of Ontario
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Finnish National Gallery
centre Georges Pompidou
Musée du Louvre
Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin
Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Hamburg Kunsthalle
Museum für Kunst und Gewerb
National Gallery of Ireland
Uffizi Gallery
National Museum of Art, Osaka
National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
National Museum of Modern Art,Tokyo
National Museum of Western Art,Tokyo
National Museum of contemporary Art, Seoul
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
Museo del Prado, Madrid
Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao
Museum of contemporary Art of Barcelona
National Gallery, London
Tate Gallery, London
National Portrait Gallery, London
Royal Academy of Arts, London
Saatchi Gallery, London 
National Galleries of Scotland
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York city
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York city
National Gallery of Art, Washington Dc
National Museum of African Art
National Portrait Gallery, Washington Dc
Smithsonian Institution, Washington Dc
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Art Institute of chicago
Museum of contemporary Art, chicago
Dallas Museum of Art
Denver Art Museum
Detroit Institute of Arts
J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
Los Angeles county Museum of Art
Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco
Seattle Art Museum

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